
Occasional posts on subjects including field recording, London history and literature, other websites worth looking at, articles in the press, and news of sound-related events.

10 May 2010

The London Nobody Sings

IF THE BEST ideas for blogs tend to focus on a single topic, then someone had a brainwave when they came up with The London Nobody Sings. This is a brilliant blog which collects songs about London.

Since June last year a new song has been added at the rate of about one a day. Here are a few entries at random.

27 January 2010: The ‘Ampstead Way, from the 1946 film London Town;

28 September 2009: GLC by punk band Menace (one of the first singles I ever bought); and

4 March 2010: Linda Lewis’s Old Smokey, released in 1974.

Every post has a picture or video and some scholarship to go with it. The amount of work that’s gone into the blog puts to shame the majority of books you’ll see for sale on the ‘London’ shelves of any bookshop.

The only bad news is that The London Nobody Sings is meant to be a one-year project, so this month’s songs might be the last to be added. Hopefully it’ll stay up for a very long time after.