
Occasional posts on subjects including field recording, London history and literature, other websites worth looking at, articles in the press, and news of sound-related events.

21 January 2010

Sound is Art

MARGARET NOBLE, A US-based electronic musician, runs a blog called Sound is Art which presents a range of fascinating and unusual sound recordings.

The blog has categories such as field and archival recordings, unusual instruments, performance and sound oddities. An amplified musical toy top sounds like an extract from Gorecki’s Symphony No. 3, a surgical operation is recorded on a bizarre Sounds of Medicine record released by the Smithsonian Institute in the 1950s, a slightly alarming recording made at a bee farm provides uneasy headphone listening, and there’s much else besides.

One recording attracts the comment of ‘wow humbling’. It’s of fluctuations in the Earth’s magnetic field and is called Earth Music, and it really is worth hearing. Margaret is always on the look-out for new material for Sound is Art, so if you know of any suitable recordings, please drop her a line.