
Occasional posts on subjects including field recording, London history and literature, other websites worth looking at, articles in the press, and news of sound-related events.

03 May 2011

Regina Burbach: stories told through sound

A NICE EMAIL came the other day from Regina Burbach, a Bremen-based field recordist, composer and radio feature maker. She was among the first field recordists to put some of her work up on Soundcloud and I first stumbled across it while looking for recordings of frogs.

It was clear that a lot of work had gone even into seemingly straightforward recordings like this from Sri Lanka:

There are also some more complex, layered compositions, some of which might be described in a hurry as dreamlike, but are probably closer to a sound version of magical realism.

As Regina sums up her way of working:

As material for my sound pieces I use my fieldrecordings, slightly processed or beyond recognition. I also use ‘self-made’ sounds originating from my surroundings. Actually I started my radio work telling stories by using a lot of words. More and more the words seem to disappear and the sounds are taking over to tell ‘their’ story.

Now she has her own website called The ballonist in the desert is dreaming, featuring more of her recordings as well as posts in German and English. Well worth visiting.