Leytonstone, Snaresbrook

Layered map for Leytonstone, Snaresbrook with field recordings and historical maps. Use the navigator map insert below to explore other areas.

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London map OpenStreetMap for Leytonstone, Snaresbrook

Land Use 1936

London map 1930s Land Utilisation Survey for Leytonstone, Snaresbrook

OS c. 1805

Ordnance Survey First Series map for Leytonstone, Snaresbrook
Grid centre recording for OS reference TQ 4023 8826
LONDON MAP CREDITS: OpenStreetMap image displayed under the terms of their Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 licence. Land Utilisation Survey and Ordnance Survey First Series map images copyright British Library. Booth London Poverty map courtesy of the London School of Economics.

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